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Researchers from Xi’an Jiaotong University in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province have developed a way to eliminate air pollutants during the coal-burning process, which they hope would significantly address the country’s smog problems.来自中国

本文摘要:Researchers from Xi’an Jiaotong University in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province have developed a way to eliminate air pollutants during the coal-burning process, which they hope would significantly address the country’s smog problems.来自中国



Researchers from Xi’an Jiaotong University in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province have developed a way to eliminate air pollutants during the coal-burning process, which they hope would significantly address the country’s smog problems.来自中国西北的陕西省西安交通大学的研究人员研发了一种在燃煤过程中避免空气污染物的方法,他们期望需要有效地解决问题中国的雾霾问题。Guo Liejin, head of the research team, said the technology called supercritical steaming coal will generate water instead of sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide or PM2.5 particles in the oxidizing reaction process, news portal nbd.com.cn reported Tuesday.研究团队负责人郭烈锦说道,“超临界水蒸煤”将在水解反应过程中产生水,而不是二氧化硫、一氧化氮或PM2.5颗粒,《每日经济新闻》周二报导。The technology is among the many that aim to curb air pollution in China. Another research team led by He Kebin from Tsinghua University has come up with a list of more than 700 kinds of pollutant sources to help evaluate the effectiveness of measures for controlling the smog, news site thepaper.cn reported.该技术是目的遏止中国空气污染的诸多技术之一。清华大学贺克斌率领的另一个研究团队明确提出了700多种污染源的表格,以协助评估掌控雾霾措施的有效性,《新华新闻》报导。


Many cities even deploy vehicles equipped with a mist canon, which can spray water mist up to 100 meters, in a bid to devour the smog.很多城市甚至部署了喷雾降尘车,可以涌出100多米的水雾,以诱导雾霾。



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