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双语科技百科(医学) 第66期:《千金要方》【8868体育官网下载】

Qianjin Yaofang《千金要方》Beiji Qianjin Yaofang ( Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies ) , also called Qianjin Fang or Qianjin Yaofang , was writ- ten by the well-known medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao i

本文摘要:Qianjin Yaofang《千金要方》Beiji Qianjin Yaofang ( Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies ) , also called Qianjin Fang or Qianjin Yaofang , was writ- ten by the well-known medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao i


Qianjin Yaofang《千金要方》Beiji Qianjin Yaofang ( Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies ) , also called Qianjin Fang or Qianjin Yaofang , was writ- ten by the well-known medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao in the year 652. As he said, Human life is of paramount importance, more precious than a thousand pieces of gold, and one prescription which can save it is even more precious; hence Qianjin,Yaofan,g as the name of the book. From the Tang Dynasty to the modern times, Bezji Qianjin Yaofang has had more than 40 versions at home and a-broad, which are roughly divided into two categories. The book is composed of 30 volumes.Volume l is the pandect of medical science, including medical ethics, materia medica, pharmacy and the like, Volumes 2 ~4 are on gynecological diseases, Volume 5 0n pediatrics, Volume 6 0n diseases of the seven orifices, Volumes 7~8 0n dermatophytosis of all kinds, Volumes 9 N 10 0n febrile diseases caused by cold, Volumes li N 20 0n viscera diseases, Volume 21 0n diabetes and similar diseases, Volume 22 0n skin and external diseases, Volume 23 on hemorrhoid, Volume 24 0n disintoxicating and various treatments, Volume 25 on techniques for emergencies, Volumes 26~27 0n dietetic therapy and cultivation of mental poise, Volume 28 0n normal pulse, and Volumes 29 ~ 30 0n acupuncture and moxibustion. There are totally 233 categories, containing more than 5,300 articles.It has set up the format for compilation of prescriptions. The book gives a systematic summing-up of the accomplishments in medical science prior to the Tang Dynasty.Its sources are extensive, and s contents are rich, covering all clinical sectors and many aspects such as acupuncture and moxibustion, dietetic therapy,medicament, prevention, and hygiene. It contains both discussions and descriptions, having both proved recipes and classical prescriptions. It is the first comprehensive monumental work of medical science in China, another summing-up of Chinese medicine after Treatise on, Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases by Zhang Zhongjing, and is acclaimed as the earliest encyclopedia of clinical medicine in the Chinese history.《补缓千金要方》,又称《千金方》或《千金要方》,成书于652年,作者为唐代知名医学家孙思邈。正如他所言:生命的价值喜于千金,而一个处方能救人于急转直下,价值更当败于此,因而用《千金要方》作为书名。






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