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Google has struck a $1.1bn deal with Taiwans HTC to expand its smartphone business.为扩展其智能手机业务,谷歌公司日前与台湾HTC达成协议了一项11亿美元的协议。

本文摘要:Google has struck a $1.1bn deal with Taiwans HTC to expand its smartphone business.为扩展其智能手机业务,谷歌公司日前与台湾HTC达成协议了一项11亿美元的协议。



Google has struck a $1.1bn deal with Taiwans HTC to expand its smartphone business.为扩展其智能手机业务,谷歌公司日前与台湾HTC达成协议了一项11亿美元的协议。Google will not take a stake in the firm, but some HTC staff will join the Silicon Valley giant.谷歌会持有人该公司的股份,但部分HTC员工将归属于这家硅谷巨头。The Taiwanese company was once a major player in the smartphone market but has struggled to compete with the likes of Apple and Samsung.这家台湾公司曾多次是智能手机市场的主要供应商,但其很难与苹果和三星这样的品牌竞争。

Google expects the deal to close by early 2018, provided it gets the all clear from regulators.在把所有条款搞清楚的基础上,谷歌预计本次交易将于2018年初已完成。The deal marks the latest move by Google to boost its hardware capabilities.本次交易标志着谷歌为提高其硬件功能所采行的近期措施。


Its still early days for Googles hardware business, the firms senior vice-president of hardware Rick Osterloh said in a blog post on Googles website.谷歌硬件高级副总裁里克·奥斯特洛在该公司网站上的一篇博文中写到:“目前谷歌的硬件业务还正处于跟上阶段”。Under the deal, Google will acquire a team of people who develop Pixel smartphones for the US company and receive a non-exclusive license for HTCs intellectual property.根据该协议,谷歌将取得HTC为美国公司研发Pixel智能手机的团队,同时提供HTC知识产权的非独家许可。According to HTC half their smartphone research and development team - about 2,000 people - will go to Google.根据HTC回应,他们智能手机研发团队的一半--约2000人将不会前往谷歌。



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