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【8868体育官网下载】瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪胜诉 苹果无法在英注册iWatch商标

Swiss watchmaker Swatch has successfully opposed Apples registration of the trademark iWatch in the UK.日前,瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪就苹果公司商标iWatch在英国侵权行为一案胜诉顺利。

本文摘要:Swiss watchmaker Swatch has successfully opposed Apples registration of the trademark iWatch in the UK.日前,瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪就苹果公司商标iWatch在英国侵权行为一案胜诉顺利。


Swiss watchmaker Swatch has successfully opposed Apples registration of the trademark iWatch in the UK.日前,瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪就苹果公司商标iWatch在英国侵权行为一案胜诉顺利。The UKs Intellectual Property Office (IPO) upheld Swatchs opposition, which was filed in March 2014.该案件由斯沃琪公司在2014年3月递交,英国知识产权办公室赞同斯沃琪公司的赞成意见。

Swatch said the name iWatch was too similar to its own trademarks for the words iSwatch and Swatch.斯沃琪公司回应,“iWatch”与其公司的产品“iSwatch”以及“Swatch”具有过于过相近的商标。And by the time in launched its smartwatch, in 2015, Apple had decided to call its product Apple Watch.并且,当苹果公司在2015年进占智能手表界的时候,早已要求将其手表命名为“Apple Watch”。


But should the California-based company wish to use the name iWatch in the UK at some point in future, it can now do so only with certain products.但总部坐落于加利福尼亚州的苹果公司期望能在英国未来的某个时间点用于“iWatch”这个名称,但现在他们却不能在某些特定的产品上用于这个名称。These include computer software and computer accessories - but not computer hardware, monitors, audio and video devices or cameras.这些特定的产品还包括电脑的软件和一些配件,但却并不还包括如显示器、音视频设备或照相机等在内的电脑硬件。This decision shows the difficulty global brands can have when it comes to launching a new product around the world, said Sharon Daboul, a trademark lawyer at law firm EIP.EIP法律事务所的商标律师莎伦·约博尔回应,这一要求表明了国际品牌在世界范围内公布新产品有可能遇到的一些艰难。



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