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When Apple reported a record-shattering profit of $18 billion last month, the company said its growth came largely from sales in greater China. This week, some research firms gave a clearer picture of just how big Apple has become in China

本文摘要:When Apple reported a record-shattering profit of $18 billion last month, the company said its growth came largely from sales in greater China. This week, some research firms gave a clearer picture of just how big Apple has become in China


When Apple reported a record-shattering profit of $18 billion last month, the company said its growth came largely from sales in greater China. This week, some research firms gave a clearer picture of just how big Apple has become in China.当苹果(Apple)上个月报告称该公司的利润打破记录,超过180亿美元(约合1124亿元人民币)时,该公司回应收益的快速增长相当大程度上源自在大中华区的销售。本周,一些研究公司勾画出了更为明晰的画面,展出了苹果在中国到底有多热门。

Both Kantar Worldpanel and Canalys, firms that track global smartphone sales, said Apple’s iOS mobile operating system gained market share in China at the expense of Google’s Android.跟踪全球智能手机销售情况的凯度消费者指数(Kantar Worldpanel)及咨询公司Canalys回应,苹果的iOS移动操作系统挤占了谷歌(Google)的Android系统在中国的市场份额。Chris Jones, an analyst for Canalys, said that in the fourth quarter of last year, iOS was in 12.3 percent of the smartphones sold in China, a sharp increase from 5 percent in the previous quarter. Android was in 86.3 percent of smartphones in the fourth quarter, compared with 93.7 percent in the third quarter, according to Mr. Jones.Canalys的分析师克里斯·琼斯(Chris Jones)回应,去年四季度,iOS在中国出售的智能手机中占有了12.3%的份额,与上季度的5%比起,经常出现了急遽提高。琼斯透漏,四季度,Android系统在智能手机中所占到的份额为86.3%,而三季度的份额为93.7%。

Canalys estimates that Apple is now the top smartphone vendor in China. But Mr. Jones said Canalys would explain how it reached this conclusion only to clients, not with the news media or competitors.据Canalys估算,苹果目前是中国仅次于的智能手机厂商。但琼斯回应,Canalys只不会向客户说明得出结论这一结论的依据,但会向新闻媒体或竞争对手透漏。Kantar Worldpanel found slightly different results. It focused its research on so-called urban China — a portion of mainland China where smartphones are more commonplace. Kantar also found that Apple’s iOS gained at the expense of Android. But the firm found that Apple was the No. 2 vendor in the region, with about 21.5 percent of the market, behind the Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi (29.2 percent) and ahead of Huawei and Samsung (about 12 percent each).凯度得出的结果略为有有所不同。


但该公司找到,苹果在这部分地区是第二大智能手机厂商,享有21.5%的市场份额,领先于中国的智能手机制造商小米(市场份额为29.2%),但领先于华为和三星(Samsung),后两者分别享有大约12%的市场份额。Whether Apple is No. 1 or No. 2, its growth in China has been remarkable. Just last October, the company was the No. 6 smartphone maker in China, behind Huawei, Lenovo, Samsung, Xiaomi and Yulong, according to Canalys.无论是第一还是第二,苹果在中国的快速增长都引人注目。根据Canalys的数据,就在去年10月,苹果还只是中国市场上名列第六位的智能手机制造商,领先于华为、误解、三星、小米和宇龙。

Kantar Worldpanel also noted that about a quarter of the Chinese consumers who bought iPhones in the last three months were buying smartphones for the first time.凯度还认为,在过去三个月里出售iPhone的中国消费者中,有四分之一是首次出售智能手机。Carolina Milanesi, a Kantar analyst, said Apple’s introduction of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which both have larger screens than previous iPhones, clearly drove the growth.凯度的分析师卡罗琳娜·米拉内西(Carolina Milanesi)称之为,苹果iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus的发售,似乎推展了销售的快速增长。

与之前的iPhone比起,这两款手机的屏幕都更大。“The success that Apple is seeing is certainly coming from the larger screen,” she said. She added that sales there of the larger iPhone 6 Plus surpassed sales of the iPhone 6 in December.她说道,“苹果目前的顺利,毫无疑问来自更大的屏幕。”她还回应,去年12月,享有更大屏幕的iPhone 6 Plus的销量,多达了iPhone 6。

Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said recently that it was only a matter of time until the majority of the company’s sales would come from China. The company plans to open 25 retail stores in greater China over the next two years, adding to the 15 stores it now operates in the area.苹果的首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)最近回应,公司未来的大部分销售将来自中国,这种局面的来临只是一个时间问题。苹果公司计划未来两年在大中华区新的进25家零售店。




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