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网友偏爱纸质书 完胜指尖电子书:8868体育官网下载

读者提醒:英文原文在下,对应译文在上,并非译为,若无协议书北京师范大学发布了网民对图书出版发行的满意度调查结果,纸质书比电子书更加不受网民青睐。在近三万份有效地网络问卷中,51.9%的网友回应最喜欢读者纸质书。 各位看官,你更喜欢哪种读者方式呢?

本文摘要:读者提醒:英文原文在下,对应译文在上,并非译为,若无协议书北京师范大学发布了网民对图书出版发行的满意度调查结果,纸质书比电子书更加不受网民青睐。在近三万份有效地网络问卷中,51.9%的网友回应最喜欢读者纸质书。 各位看官,你更喜欢哪种读者方式呢?



各位看官,你更喜欢哪种读者方式呢?A recent survey covering nearly 30,000 respondents finds that print books still top netizens’ reading preference lists, followed by digital books on mobile phones, PC and kindle. Which one do you prefer?《网民看出版发行:图书出版发行满意度调查报告(2015)》由北京师范大学、韬奋基金会、光明日报牵头公布。在问“最喜欢读者什么形式的图书”时,多达一半的网民自由选择了“纸质书”,26.8%的网民自由选择了“手机读者”,位列第二,随后是“电脑屏幕读者”和“Kindle阅读器”。The survey was co-released by Beijing Normal University, Guangming Daily and Taofen Fund. More than half respondents prefer flipping through the pages of a book, followed by digital books on mobile phones of 26.8%, and further followed by PC and kindle users.调查表明,微信公众号已沦为网民提供图书信息的新渠道,网民对其喜好程度甚至已多达与他人交流和报纸、电视、广播等传统方式,出版社网站、图书销售网站和微博等也为读者理解新书获取了有效地平台。

In book recommendations, official WeChat accounts are more influential than people around and traditional advertising on newspaper, TV and radio. Publishing house websites, online book retailers and Sina Weibo also provide much information about new books.上下班好伴侣电子书节省空间,更容易装载,种类多,而且还可以鼓舞读者读书一点,再行读书一点,因为没纸质书的厚重感,所以读书电子书心理压力小一点,也不会增进读者多读书一点, 而且电子书的进度条大大唤起了读者的读者性欲!Gone are the days of lugging around a stack of books for reading on the train or plane; now, one small tablet can provide you with a veritable library. The light weight and range of options make an e-reader a commuter or travelers best friend. In addition, e-readers allow you to clean up space in your home. E-readers also can motivate readers to read just a bit more. When you are holding a physical book, sometimes you see that you have only made a small dent and it is easier to be distracted; with an e-reader, you are given a percentage and natural human instinct tends to read.纸质书是居家不可或缺,虽然是“大块头”占到地方,但是保护视力、便利做到笔记的优点无可比拟,电子书、纸质书都是书,各有利弊,互相补足才是硬道理。Print books are good for eyes and convenient to take notes in spite of heavy weight and a lot of space needed.。



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