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警惕电梯故障 被困电梯莫惊慌:8868体育官网下载

I am not sure how comfortable i am with computerized lifts.我不确认在计算机化的电梯里能有多舒适度。She`s a bit elevator-wary.她有点警觉电梯故障。 Don`t they make you feel claustrophobic?它们会让你深感癫狂不安吗?How exactly does an elevator work?电梯到底如何运作的?

本文摘要:I am not sure how comfortable i am with computerized lifts.我不确认在计算机化的电梯里能有多舒适度。She`s a bit elevator-wary.她有点警觉电梯故障。 Don`t they make you feel claustrophobic?它们会让你深感癫狂不安吗?How exactly does an elevator work?电梯到底如何运作的?


I am not sure how comfortable i am with computerized lifts.我不确认在计算机化的电梯里能有多舒适度。She`s a bit elevator-wary.她有点警觉电梯故障。

Don`t they make you feel claustrophobic?它们会让你深感癫狂不安吗?How exactly does an elevator work?电梯到底如何运作的?It looks like this one is out of order.看上去这部电梯再次发生故障了。we`re packed like sardines in here.我们这里像沙丁鱼罐头一样挤成一堆。Everyone stay calm!大家都维持耐心。


we have to try not to panic.我们要试着别惊恐。Looks like we`re going to be stuck in here for a while.看上去我们要受困在这里一段时间了。

Have you called for help yet?你大喊了吗?Can`t we force the doors open?我们无法擅自关上电梯门吗?Let`t just sit tight.让我们冷静等候吧。It`s probably safer to wait it out.或许冷静等候故障清理不会更加安全性。

Just take a deep breath and relax.做做深呼吸,放开一下。Have you tried the door open button?你遇过按门口键吗?Try tapping the door with a key,the sound travels really far.试试用钥匙轻拍电梯门,声音不会记得很远。Don`t worry,we`ll be out in no time.别担心,我们立刻就能过来。

Just remember,elevators have cameras---let`s not do anything stupid.只必须录着,电梯里有摄像头,别做傻事。



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